If you have known me for any length of time, you know that I live for adventure. I love traveling, dreaming big, and experiencing new people, food, and places. This includes my periodic adventures on my mountain bike.

On Monday this week, I headed out on my bike for exercise and adventure. On that trip, I found a grass-covered hole and ended up going over the handlebars. I’m fine, no hospital visit this time. But I do have a few bruises.

Over the Handlebars.

It made me think about the other “over the handlebar” moments Elizabeth, the family, and I have encountered over the last decade. And more than that, how those are the moments that define who I am, have produced the best fruit, and brought me to life. It’s scary to go head-long at life and worry if you might go over the handlebars, but I don’t want it any other way.

When we first looked at adopting from Africa, we figured out we couldn’t do it. But we did it anyway. We went over the handlebars. A couple times. But Moriah is ours because we set out on the adventure.

When we decided to adopt again, we figured out we shouldn’t do it. But we did it anyway. We went over the handlebars, but God showed up too many times to count, including an Indian man handing us $15,300 in hundred dollar bills on our front porch in Uganda. Let me tell you that story sometime. And Stella and Justus are here because we went for it.

My Next Adventure.

So here is the next adventure: I have started my own business, a law firm. It is something I have known I needed to do for years. I will be focused on helping churches, nonprofits, and businesses. But I’ll be taking whatever comes in the door and partnering with other attorney specialists in true entrepreneur style (wills, personal injury, litigation, etc.).

This is exactly where I am supposed to be. Or it isn’t. Either way, I’m going for it because God showed up, my life changed course, and my heart grew when I went for it in the past.

I can’t do this without you.

But you’ll remember, our big adventures in the past were group efforts. Moriah, Justus, and Stella wouldn’t be our children without SO MANY OF YOU.

And I know I can’t do this next adventure alone. I need the help of my friends and family. I need your help. I need your prayers. I need your friendship. I need you to tell all of your friends, “I know this great lawyer who can help your [church, ministry, nonprofit, or business].”

If you want to know more, I’d love to connect. Call me (817-269-7401), or you can email me at austin@wilkersonlegal.com or sign up for my email updates on austinwilkerson.com. We are still in Dallas, but our house is on the market. We plan on heading to Louisville when it sells, but we know God may have other plans. I know some of you will be praying very specific prayers concerning that.

Terrified, but Alive.

It feels like I’m flying over the handlebars just writing this. It is terrifying to tell you. I feel exposed. What if I crash head-first?

But that’s why I feel so alive right now.

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